Monday, September 17, 2012

Piaget's View on Education

Piaget believed that knowledge had to be gained through a process involving the "schemes" of children. Assimilation and Accommodation are involved in tuning a child's scheme. Therefore, Piaget proposed that the only way to acquire lasting knowledge was through active participation.

The video above will further explain Piaget's development theory. For further information visit this website for Piaget Key Terms and More

The Man and All His Brilliance

          Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who, after many years studying children, became known for his four stages of cognitive processes. Although Piaget researched many things, his work with children in relation to learning theory is his biggest contribution. Below is a link to more information regarding this famous theorist.

                                        Biography of Piaget
        Piaget lived from 1896-1980. His best known work is illustrated in the chart below.

Check out this Piaget research experiment